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December 11, 2007

Cost dental implant - Are Cost Dental Implant Worth It?

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cost dental implant

Even though cost dental implant are quite expensive the long term benefits are very worth every penny you will spend on them. On average each cost dental implant is $1,000 per tooth. If you need a very complex procedure or your entire mouth done the cost can be as much as $30,000. Unfortunately most dental insurances won’t cover the cost dental implant. Dentist offices understand this and they generally offer excellent financing options.

A dental implant involves pieces of titanium being inserted into the jawbone. This is what holds the ceramic crown in place. The ceramic teeth look very natural and no one will ever know you have them unless to care to share that information. They remain in your mouth and don’t have to be soaked in a glass overnight like dentures. It does take some time for the implant to heal up properly though.

Cost dental implant are less if the bone under the implant area is in good condition. You will then only have to pay for the extraction of the tooth or teeth in question and the surgery for the titanium inserts to be completed. You don’t have to worry about the titanium causing an infection. It has been used since 1960 and has no history of causing any reactions with the live tissues in your mouth.

It can take up to six months for the jawbone to fuse together with the titanium inserts. This process is called osseointegration. After this has been completed an abutment is added so the implant will be above the gum line. The crown is then placed on top of it. It the bone under the implant area isn’t in good condition though you will be required to under go bone grafts. This significantly increases bone implant costs.

For some individuals there is a new procedure that allows them to have the entire process completed at the same time. They can get a temporary crown at the time of the extraction so there is no alteration to their physical appearance. This generally takes place when the implants are for the front teeth. Later the permanent crown will be added after the dentist makes sure the bone has fused to the post.

Cost dental implant are among the highest you will find in any given dental office. However it is a very good investment that can help you end your chronic dental problems forever. If you think dental implants may be a good option for you discuss it with your dentist. They can explain all of your treatment options as well as help you devise a plant to pay for cost dental implant without breaking your budget.

If you found this information on cost dental implant useful, you'll want to read this article about Dental Implant Bone

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

U mention the cost at about $1000 per tooth. Is that in USD? or some other country's currency?